Do you look sometimes great, sometimes awkward in photos? Some people have a signature pose. And I’m not talking about the teenage/sorority girl hand on hip pose. You know- downward glance, a toss of the head, a little hip. Picture perfect.
Do you wish this was you? Remember these 5 tips---
1. Good posture creates great portraits. Did you know that standing up tall can take off 5 lbs? Got your attention now huh! So, like your mother told you stand up straight. Slouching does nothing for you. Imagine a string pulling your spine up to the ceiling.
2. To smile or not to smile- and how much teeth? Should you smile in photographs? Well, does a smile light up your face? Laugh lines are wonderful and can make you look younger. Just watch that your eyes don’t squint shut. And that grin? Check it out in the mirror do you like it toothy or just a gentle smile?
3. Formal or informal. Photos create a mood. And posing should reflect this. Everyone lined up or mother and child with father standing behind is formal (think weddings), everyone lounging around and laughing is instagram, facebook.
4. Natural beauty. A little lipstick and light coat of mascara is great for photos. Be careful of being overdone. Too much makeup can add a few years because it can highlight your flaws.
5. Strike that pose. If you’ve got low self-esteem or an “I always look terrible in photos” attitude, it will show. So fake it til you make it. Chin up and out (think no double chin) body angled slightly away from the camera and eyes back toward the front.
And that’s it! Have fun, smile (but not too big!), stand up straight and POSE!
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