Ghandi, Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Ghandi, Steve Wosniak, Darwin.
What do all these people have in common? They described themselves as quiet and soft spoken even shy- yet they all took the spotlight even though every bone in their bodies was telling them not to. And they were still leaders because they were driven to do what they thought was right.
They were introverts.
Susan Cain in this TED talk (click on the photo above to link to the TED talk) asserts that society needs both introverts and extroverts. Yes, introverts go off by themselves and generate their own ideas BUT they bring these insights back to share with others. Even extroverts need to unplug and get inside their own head sometimes.
Do recognize yourself in her description of introverts? How about your children? Or are you an extrovert?
Watch this short talk on the Power of Introverts. Do you agree?