"I really love this photo of my family but I wish my mom had waited until she lost some weight."
Have you ever said this about a photo of your mom? And your kids won't say it about you. So this Mother's Day ---
Get in those photos with your kids!
me and the girls at Mom's Weekend Brunch for the Sorority this past weekend.
We need to take the time to appreciate the value of family photos, if not for ourselves (because we’re too fat or whatever), then for our children. In 20 years, your children are not going to say,
I really love this photo of my family but I wish my mom had waited until she lost some weight.
Think about Jessica’s mom, who died when she was 47, shortly after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Jessica was a senior in high school at the time she passed away. She cherishes every single photo of her mom (not just the ones where she was thin, beautiful and looked perfect).
And Jill, who recently passed away at the age of 37, leaving behind a husband and two young children. I don’t think for one second that her family will look at photographs of their mom (who pre-cancer probably wished she could have lost some weight) and see her as anything except the most amazing and beautiful mom there ever was.
We never know what tomorrow will bring. And life is quickly racing by; before we know it, our kids will be grown and leaving the house.
NO, THERE IS NO PERFECT TIME there's only today.
So- try to slow down, remember what’s important and see and hear the everyday beauty that surrounds us.
Take advantage of the double makeover Beauty Special (hair and makeup and photo session) for you AND your mom or daughter(s) by setting up an appointment before June 30 for only $100! OR- come by yourself for only $75. Email brenda@brenPhotography.com. Check out the video below to see what your Beauty Experience can look like: