For many of us, back to school means getting organized. Adapting to the new schedules and dare I say it-- planning for the holidays. What a great time to make sure nothing happens to all those photos you have taken over the past year. How sad would it be to lose all those memories you have captured -- birthdays, anniversaries, vacations, selfies.....
Now I am sure that all of you back up the photos on your phone (you DO - don't you?), did you know there is a quick and easy way to back up everything that you have put on Facebook too. Really- it took me about a minute - just follow the instructions on this link or on the photo below.
Then put these back ups somewhere safe - a fire box or your safe deposit box at the bank. You are the family historian, make sure this past year exists for the future.
And do it soon- before Facebook changes the process! You know they are always changing things....
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