Why isn't it OK to accept a compliment?
If someone pays you a compliment “that color looks great on you” why do we immediately launch into what is wrong “Thanks but my hair is curling the wrong way today” instead/
Why do we need to point out our perceived flaws?
How do you define your beauty? Is it a true reflection of who you are or what you look like?
To most of us, our self perception is cruel, but that is not how the world sees us. Our families see us with love, they don’t go looking for our imperfections. Why can’t we treat ourselves with that love?
Women are their own worst critics. Only 4%- 4%!- of women around the world consider themselves beautiful.
Beauty should be a source of confidence, not anxiety.
I am on this journey too. I understand it all too well. And that is why I am so passionate about being a women’s photographer. For every woman who has ever looked in the mirror and didn’t like what she saw or who feels lost in her own skin. I understand.
I know what beautiful looks like. I can find it. Allow me to show it back to you. How beautiful you really are.
Today is the best time to embrace & reconnect with how beautiful you are. Celebrate being a woman. Celebrate your beauty.
Exist in photographs for your family. They exist in photographs for you.
It’s time for you to have a beautiful photograph of yourself.
It’s about shining from the inside.
It’s about falling in love with yourself.
Contact me to experience your own beautiful & empowering makeover transformation.
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