When we take a vacation, we like to record it so we can look at pictures and relive the moments again and again. Often we don’t give much thought to how we take those pictures though. We see something that interests us and take a quick picture of it, or we get our friends or family together, tell them to say cheese, and snap a quick shot.
If you stop and think about it, though, your vacation memories are priceless, and you should take the time and effort to make the pictures of it priceless as well. Fortunately, it isn’t that difficult.
(image courtesy of Judy Ercloani Varian)
These days you don't really need a "good"camera. Today's phones work really well. However there may be times when you need a camera that has a zoom so you aren’t limited in the types of pictures that you can take. Also, depending on where you are vacationing, you often want to get in some good panoramic shots of the scenery, not just close-up shots of people.
(image courtest of Janet Marie Bachelor Caparros)
Keep in mind when taking vacation pictures is that you want to capture the mood and excitement of the trip. If you are taking your children to a major amusement park, for example, most of your pictures will probably be of them. Instead of having them stand and pose for you, though, you want to get pictures that capture their awe when they look at the things around them or their excitement when on a ride.
(image courtesy of Tara Vanderheyden Katz)
Don't forget the details. Can't you just feel the sand under your feet, taste the salty air, hear the roar of the ocean, and see the gulls as they search for food when you look at this photo (below)?
(image courtesy of Kimbery Booth Pugh)
Go beyond this even, and catch your child’s face at the end of the day, tired and maybe even a little cranky, but full of happy memories. Don’t be afraid to catch more than just people smiling; catch all of the moods during your trip. It makes for more vivid memories.
(image courtesy of Janet Marie Bachelor Caparros)
When you take the time to really put some thought into your vacation pictures, you are doing yourself and the people you vacation with a great service. It will invoke a lot more emotion and vivid memories to look at a photograph of your spouse gazing at the vastness of the ocean from the rail of a cruise ship than if he is just standing there smiling for you.
Taking the extra time to make your vacation pictures memorable will help you hold on to the wonderful feelings for years to come.